What We Do

We don’t just do the same session or presentation over and over again. We work hard to understand what it is  you and your team need and we can combine any elements into our sessions, tailor them to cover specific needs or even create something brand new just for you.

We are always inspired to explore and create something new so please just ask. In addition to group sessions, we are very happy to provide individual coaching and mentoring sessions, some of which we simply see as a value add.

Signature Presentations


The Chimp Paradox

Inspired by the best selling book by Steve Peters we examine the mind management model, which is based on scientific fact and principles and helps us understand how and why we react to things. You might wonder why this is important in a business context but we have all sent those emails we have regretted afterwards or acted defensively or aggressively in business meetings. The Chimp Paradox demonstrates that whilst we can't always control what happens to us, we can choose how we react to it thereby building trust, respect and our reputation.


Executive Presence

We look at practical ways to develop that "edge" to accelerate your career and explain how to build your executive presence and engage, align, inspire and move people to act. Technical competence on its own is not enough to help you rise to the top; you need that extra "it factor”. First impressions are critical and you need to show that you understand your audience, that you're self-aware, confident and energetic. You have control over how you appear so use that power! Good communicators know that the actual words you use only play a small role in your impact. It's also about how you communicate both visually and verbally, how you speak and how you act. You can't control events but you can choose how to react to them; this session demonstrates how emotional intelligence has become the most valuable asset in any workplace.


Persuasion and Influence

This session covers far more than simple influencing skills and tips but considers the persuasive characteristics and techniques needed to move other people's positions and opinions (vital if you are in sales or have a role in negotiations). We also focus on the importance of self and other awareness and how psychology plays a crucial part in being able to influence effectively.


Growth Rings

How many times have we been encouraged to "stretch our comfort zone"? This session explains and demonstrates why growth occurs in a state of discomfort and how what makes you comfortable can be your downfall. It navigates you through stagnation, order, complexity and chaos (and also explains why we like to procrastinate), what drives that procrastination and how to move to innovation and truly think outside that box we keep hearing about. Growth Rings are as relevant to life generally as they are in the workplace.



What is the difference between management and leadership? Do you have to have a team of people to be a leader? It has been said that leaders are the architects and managers are the builders but what does this really mean? There are so many different leadership models and theories out there but which ones really work and what's behind it all? This session focuses on what makes an inspiring and effective leader and how to establish good followship.


Killer Presentation

We have all been told how to present but it's far more than what you do with your hands or how loudly you speak that matters. Presentation literacy is not a skill for the few; to give a “killer presentation" we give you tips on what it is you need to do to prepare for your presentation and how to build that critical rapport with your audience to engage them and keep them.


Some Myths Exploded

This session is inspired by the book "Barking Up the Wrong Tree" by Eric Barker which dispels some common myths. We are generally encouraged to play it safe but is doing the safe thing and not risking the ups and downs of extremes the path to success or mediocrity? In this session, we draw on numerous examples and comparisons that help us understand that things like academic grades are no more predictive of life's success than rolling the dice. Perhaps we are too quick to label things as good or bad but to be great we must be different.